Release and Calibrate


As you settle into a comfortable position, you will be held in a sacred container of trust and safety, allowing you to fully surrender and open yourself to the healing process. Gentle hands-on touch, Tara will intuitively tune’s into your body's subtle energies, guiding them back into a state of balance and harmony.
Each touch carries the intention of nurturing and healing, transmitting warmth and compassion through the palms. As the hands make contact with your skin, you may feel a wave of relaxation wash over you, melting away tension and stress held within the body.
Healing extends beyond the physical realm. With profound empathy and understanding, Tara creates space for emotional release and transformation. Holding space for your emotions to surface, honouring whatever arises with unconditional acceptance and non-judgment.
By the end of the session, you emerge feeling lighter, more centered, and deeply nourished from the inside out. You will carry with you a sense of peace and clarity, knowing that you have been seen, heard, and held in a space of unconditional love and healing.

Try a Reiki treatment with Tara