Sound Healing


What is Natural Medicine?

Natural medicine is just that —- natural, and includes all truly natural approaches to health and wellbeing. Its focus is helping people live in a state where their body and energy field can optimally heal itself and rise to the experiences of each moment. Natural medicine is not symptom management or a process of diagnosis. We encourage an integrated approach to your health.

Dr. Shekinah specializes in conflict solutions as well as the use of sound and vibration. She uses tuning forks, Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Tibetan bowls, hand chimes, drums and other sound tools, to assist the body to come into its natural state of coherence, balance and harmony, relaxing the nervous system, restoring life force energy, increasing nitric oxide for natural healing, releasing trauma and conflict. Sound is one of the oldest forms of nurturing and preventive care. The beauty of Sound and Vibration is how it supports your body’s innate ability to heal and live in its natural state of health, supporting your nervous system and your emotional body.

Are you looking for re-creation, renewal, clarity for projects or situations, energy management, or conflict solutions? Are you looking for someone to facilitate or support you in your transformation in an area of your life where things seem stuck? Do you feel that situations in your life take you ‘off centre’ easily? Click the book a free 15 minute session and let’s connect… Please check my blog pages for more information.


Individual Focused Mini Sound Session

$50 (25min session)

Is there a specific issue in an area of the body you want to have focused sessions on? For example to support other therapy or work you are doing with a knee or a shoulder, or any area of your body.

A full 1 hour session enables relaxation and overall body / energy work as well as specific areas, but sometimes when there is a specific issue presenting, spot treatments are all that’s needed. I often do this for my own body work - treat specific areas - I don’t always run a full session.

This is a fit for Acutonics on a specific area of the body as well as Biofield Tuning - for example tuning the hands (can be helpful for people who work with their hands a lot) or a seated chair session, which although a shorter session can also be very powerful.

I am including this offering on request. It can be helpful if it’s a long term issue to schedule a few sessions in closer succession - either a couple times a week or weekly for a few sessions.

Similar to massage or any other somatic therapy, there is benefit in regular sessions. In many cases, it may require a change in habits and patterns (eg., how you sit at a desk, how you exercise, your patterns in dealing with stress, etc.) to bring long-lasting changes.

Individual Sound Session - Biofield Tuning & Acutonics

$100 per hour

A sound session typically takes about an hour. It can include Biofield Tuning, Acutonics (click to read more), supported by crystal and Tibetan bowls, gongs and other sound tools. Tuning forks are used directly on the body - via acupuncture points and meridians - and in the biofield (aura, electromagnetic field) around the body.. Each session is guided by what the energy field / body of the client is needing at that moment and it is deeply relaxing for most people. If you are holding something in your energy field you would like to release or resolve, shift how you engage with your life and circumstances, sound can be very supportive. Sound is energy medicine helping us clear, transmute, transform negative or stuck energies into what we desire - sorting out the interferences so we can align with what we already are. It is an energetic alchemical process. A little like static on a radio that keeps you from hearing clear. I recommend a minimum of 2 - 3 sessions to help anchor in the shifts and expansions you are creating.

You may experience:

  • Calming of the mind, body, and spirit

  • Deep meditative states

  • Increased vitality

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced tension / stress

  • Brain & heart coherence

  • Increased focus, clear mind

  • Boost in Creativity

  • Support for tendons & ligaments

  • Improved circulation of lymph

  • & many other benefits depending on you

Group Sound Journey

A Sound Journey (Sound Bath, Sound Meditation, Sound Immersion) is a group event using Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Drums, Gongs, etc.

$200 per hour for private groups OR $25 person for public events

Alchemy Crystal Bowls are created by Crystal Tones in the USA using pure quartz crystal combined with various precious metals and gemstones, as well as rare crystals, earths and metals. Gongs, tuned to the planets including the Sun, Saturn & Nibiru. As well as a 52” Chau Dream (32-38 Hz) and 2 Wind - Yin Yang and Eclipse gongs to support your experience. Also Tibetan bowls and drums which have been used for thousands of years…

”What is sound healing? When an organ or body part is healthy, it creates a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the rest of the body. When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have dis-ease. With dis-ease, a different sound pattern is established in the affected part of the body. When sound is projected into the dis-eased area, correct harmonic patterns can be restored.” Crystal Tones

For a private sound bath (group, couple) please contact me by phone or email.

Relationship Tuning

$125/per hour (1.5 hr session)

Couples coaching with a twist - using sound and vibration to shift the ‘frequency’, clear out blocks and past energetic disharmony. This can be an adjunct to couples counselling or as an alternative when talking has not gained the results you desire. No talking required in a sound session - just tuning in to yourself, your partner and your relationship.

These sessions are for couples, or any key relationship, where two people are wanting to clear out the energetic debris between them so they can move forward. Allow sound and vibration to open you to more ease, harmony and balance in your relationship.

In cases where only one party is open to it, beginning with an individual session to shift you will ultimately begin to shift the relationship. I see the relationship between two or more people as a living essence - so energetically the relationship itself can also be tuned.nship using Biofield Tuning supported by Acutonics, Crystal Bowls, Gongs, etc.


For more information please visit Dr Shekinah’s webiste